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Australia Post Pricing Changes for Business Letters

On 2 June 2014, Australia Post will introduce new timetables for Imprint mail, Metered mail, Clean mail, Local Country letters, Charity mail, and - most importantly for many - PreSort letters.

Next Monday on 2 June 2014, Australia Post will introduce new timetables for Imprint mail, Metered mail, Clean mail, Local Country letters, Charity mail, and - most importantly for many - PreSort letters.

Do you know what is coming?

Australia-Post-logo_200x71.pngThere are two major changes to sending business mail from 2 June 2014:

  1. The service names and timetables will change
  2. Postage Paid Australia indicia will need to change on envelopes

The current Regular delivery service is being renamed Priority and the current Surface Mail delivery services is being renamed Regular.

  • Delivery for the new Priority service will range from 1 business day for metro to metro (same state), through to 4 business days for country to country (interstate)

  • Delivery for the new Regular service will range from 2-3 business days for metro to metro (same state), through to 5-6 business days for country to country (interstate)
Postage_Paid_Australia_PRIORITY.pngFrom 2 June 2014, all mail lodged with a POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA indicia should have a PRIORITY inprint on each envelope. There will be a short grace period where the current Postage Paid Australia indicia will be permitted for Priority mail until 1 July 2014.

Postage rates from 2 June 2014 are shown below for:
  • PreSort letters (300+, BSP sorted, DPID allocated, barcoded)
  • Clean mail (300+, unsorted, unbarcoded)
  • Imprint/Metered mail



The above is a summary of the changes. For detailed information I recommend you review the Australia Post document Helping you prepare for upcoming business letter changes (1.66MB PDF).

Other downloadable postage guides may also be of interest, they are available here.